Saturday, May 18, 2013

I'm back

Decided to take a bit of a sabbatical.    Seems like everyone has been illl.   Daughter has been IBD-ing and ITP-ing out the wa-zoo, too.    And, just needed a break.   Have some great pictures of wine, crochet, food, and other assorted "stuff" to be sharing so get ready for it in the next week or so....

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mind Boggling

Sometimes, I don't even know where to begin.    The NRA is just plain bonkers if they think we need armed guards at schools.   There have been shootings at malls, movie theatres, professional offices, and workplaces.   Do we need to go through checkpoints and past armed guards everywhere?   Everywhere?   Really?

There was a "good guy" near the Gabby Giffords shooting.   In all the chaos and confusion, he shot another good guy.    Can you imagine a teacher in a classroom of screaming 13 year olds being able to discern who's who in a similar situation.    Nuts.

And WTF is wrong with having to fill out some paperwork and pass a background check to purchase ammunition and a firearm?   I damn sure filled out more paperwork and jumped through more hoops adopting a frappin' pet from basset hound rescue than I would buying an assault weapon at a gun show.

Texas Tollways can snap a photo of my license plate and send me a bill but we can't have a national registery of gun owners?   I have to prove I am "responsible" every year when I renew my license plate tags and safety inspection.   Hell, when I renew my driver's license, they make me peer into a machine to ensure I can even see!    But, tracking guns?   No fucking way.

Boggles the mind.