Friday, August 17, 2012

My Possessions are Causing Me Suspicion But There's No Proof

A great slap-down of Princess Imperious, Ann Romney, from Karoli at Crooks and Liars.   

Honey, everytime I've applied for a job, I've been finger printed, had a background check run, supplied my birth certificate, a credit report pulled, AND I had to pee in a cup.  Since I worked on government defense contracts, some variation of the above was performed at odd intervals during the course of the contract.   This was all in addition to filling out a lengthy job application, having multiple references called, and supplying a detailed resume.  Oh, and once hired, I badged in and walked through a metal detector when entering the building.  

Why does she think we, her husband's potential employer, don't get to see what she and Windsock Willard have been up to?

What a vile human she is. 

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