Jenny was a mess (in a good way) from the get go. Congo loved her - amazing since he was a curmudgeon on his best days. He taught her how to hunt birds like a cat would, so we frequently saw them tag-teaming a dove. They would snuggle up together on the bedding outside our back door. They were inseparable.
Jenny was a bed hog. We slept with her, and she would crowd us out by stretching and groaning with delight at lounging on a king sized bed. She liked to be covered up. She liked to put her head on the pillow. She loved it when you would curl up with your arms around her. She was a four-legged kid. Spoiled? Yeah, she was, but then else why do you have a pet? (p.s. That's Remmy-basset in the foreground.)
She also loved little children. Jenny wasn't always the biggest fan of being walked, but if she spotted a little one, her ears and gait picked up. She'd trot, with the white tip on her tail waving, towards the child. Once they started to pet her, she'd roll over to expose her belly to them. She loved having them fawn and crawl all over her. We'd often have to start dragging her, still tethered by her leash and laying on the ground, away so we could finish our walk. What a goob! I wish our grandson could've met her because she would have been absolutely bonkers about him.
She was, most of all, a glutton. This frequently got her into trouble. She loved to eat the pecans that fall in our back yard. One October, she swallowed one whole. It lodged in her duodenum and had to be surgically removed. I still have the pecan in a sealed specimen cup, a $1200 testament to her piggy ways. Not a week after she had her plastic collar and stitches removed from that episode, we found the half cracked remains of several pecans in her bedding. Bad Dog!! ;-) She got to spend multiple nights at the emergency animal clinic because of gastric issues until the vet told us that if we suspected she'd ingested something putrid, feed her a Pepcid. It worked! Ka-Ching!
I could go on and on because that's what loving a pet is all about.
It's been a year now that we took her to the vet for the final time. Her end was close but it was so hard to acknowledge it, even with the vet's help. In her usual Jenny way, she put her head on my lap and looked at me with those big brown and soulful basset eyes. It's OK to say goodbye. She selected New Years Day 2012.
5-3-2000 to 1-1-2012. Nice symmetry.
Love. The best "Little Brown Dog" ever.