Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oink, Oink

I always get amused at Republicans mouthpieces grousing about the Dems being moochers.   Case in point, John H. Sununu, King of the Racist Old Farts, who claims that Obama won the election by promising his base more "free stuff".    Let's see here:  former Governor Sununu was the White House Chief of Staff under Shrub the Elder for two years, but resigned in disgrace over financial improprieties.  He was also Governor of New Hampshire for six years, and spend two years in the New Hampshire State House.   According to my reckoning, that means he was on the public teat for 10 years.  I'm going to assume that he gets a government pension of some sort as a retired public sector worker (oh, the irony!!).   In other words, he's one of those 47% takers he loves to loudly and openly sneer about to anyone wanting to celebrate the holidays with an earache.     

What a pig!

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