Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Latest on the ITP Front....

Well, we were hoping that the N-plate injections would help our daughter.   And, maybe they will but on top of everything else, she's been battling a sinus infection.   For most folks, that would be a day or two of feeling under the weather with a steady but dependable recovery.   Last time she had a bad one, she was at the ER, then in the hospital for 4 days.   Her ulcerative colitis was also flaring at the time so it was a perfect shit-storm (pun intended) for her.   

On the ITP front, her platelet count dropped from 74K to 58K (no injection).   The following week it was 29K so she received the N-plate.    We were hoping that would help her for at least another week or so, but she was at 22K last week so she got the N-plate for a second straight week.   Of course, her sinus infection popped up during that interval so perhaps her body was fighting the "crud" and her platelets are low due to that.   Or not....who knows.   

Her arthritis has also been acting up so not sure if she is on the cusp of another ulcerative colitis flare.   Hope not.   In the meanwhile, the grandkid has had an ear infection - both ears.   We don't do nuthin' halfway in this fam-UH-lee, let me tell ya!!!   ;-)

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